Jun 30, 2009

Review | Echo by Francesca Lia Block

Title: Echo by Francesca Lia Block
Series: N/A
Genre: YA - Magical Realism
Publication: August 6th 2001 by HarperTeen
Format: Hardcover
Source: Library
Rating: ★★☆☆☆

Synopsis: Echo is caught at the crossroads of a physical world full of hope and despair and the realm of the supernatural, where young men have wings and skeletons speak. On the way, she is graced by angels and fairies and haunted by ghosts, psychopomps, and vampires. But as Echo falls under the spell of demons who threaten to destroy her, she must ultimately look within to find the strength to survive.

Thoughts: The whole book is written in a dreamlike way, sort of poetically. Each chapter tells a new short story, which didn't make sense to me. I was confused with the new characters that were introduced in every chapter, each different and not related to the last, some only appearing once and with no meaningful significance. In the end, I could see how the stories all connected to Echo in some way, but I didn't like the way it was brought together. I'm not sure how I feel about the author's writing, but I will definitely pick up another one of her books and see how I like it.

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