Apr 15, 2010

Review | Sea Change by Aimee Friedman

Title: Sea Change by Aimee Friedman
Series: N/A
Genre: YA - Fantasy
Publication: June 1, 2009 by Point
Format: Hardcover
Source: Library
Rating: ★★

Synopsis: 16-year-old Miranda Merchant is great at science...and not so great with boys. After major drama with her boyfriend and (now ex) best friend, she's happy to spend the summer on small, mysterious Selkie Island, helping her mother sort out her late grandmother's estate. 

There, Miranda finds new friends and an island with a mysterious, mystical history, presenting her with facts her logical, scientific mind can't make sense of. She also meets Leo, who challenges everything she thought she knew about boys, friendship...and reality.

Is Leo hiding something? Or is he something that she never could have imagined?

Thoughts: To be honest, I was expecting more from this book. I think that from the beginning I knew I wouldn't really enjoy it as much as I had originally hoped, but I decided to give a chance anyways.

I think the problem I had with the whole book were the chracters. To me they seemed sort of bleh, kind of boring, and I really didn't like anyones' "personality." Miranda was okay I guess, although I didn't connect with her. I think maybe the characters could've used a bit more depth and development.

I really liked the idea of merpeople and I expected the story to have more than what it did, and I thought it would have been great as a mystery. It all seemed to fall flat a bit though, and I really wasn't happy with the ending.

I would suggest others to give it a try because I know there are many people out there who loved this book. I thought it was okay, not really great, but not a complete waste of my time. So I would recommend this to YA lovers of all ages.


  1. Book love is SO in the eye of the beholder because I LOVE this one. It's one of my favorites. Nice review btw :)

  2. This seemed like a nice book and one I have been interested in for a long long time...sad you were disappointed with it... :(

  3. I love the cover of this one, it's gorgous. And it's too bad it didn't provide for you, I might give it a try though. Thank you for your honest review.

    And by the way, I'm really liking the new layout.

  4. Thanks for your honest opinion about this book, I have it on my tbr list for a while now and I am really curious for this book. I think I am going to love it, well I hope so. The cover is amazing.

  5. This isn't the first meh review I've seen for this one... and the book itself never really grabbed my eye so I'm not sure if I'll read it... but, I still might... thanks for the honesty as always.


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