Aug 2, 2011

Review | Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater

Title: Shiver
Series: The Wolves of Mercy Falls #1
Author: Maggie Stiefvater
Genre: YA - Romance/Paranormal
Publication: 08.01.2009 by Scholastic Press
Pages: 392 (9 CD's)
Source: Audiobook Community

the cold.
Grace has spent years watching the wolves in the woods behind her house. One yellow-eyed wolf—her wolf—watches back. He feels deeply familiar to her, but she doesn't know why.

the heat.
Sam has lived two lives. As a wolf, he keeps the silent company of the girl he loves. And then, for a short time each year, he is human, never daring to talk to Grace...until now.

the shiver.
For Grace and Sam, love has always been kept at a distance. But once it's spoken, it cannot be denied. Sam must fight to stay human—and Grace must fight to keep him—even if it means taking on the scars of the past, the fragility of the present, and the impossibility of the future.

Cover: A favorite, because it is so simple but different and catches my eye. Although, I think I might like the black one better :)

Thoughts: As soon as I pushed in the first CD of Shiver into my CD player, I couldn't stop listening. Shiver is written in such a beautiful and heartbreaking way that I couldn't not listen to it, and was captivated with every word until the very end.

Grace has spent many years watching one wolf, her wolf, who lives in the woods in her backyard. She's felt a connection to him since the day she was attacked at a young age, and survived. Since then, Grace has spent every year anticipating the winter because that is when she gets to see them. Soon, she finds out that her wolf, is in fact a young man...Sam. Once Sam and Grace finally meet, their love is finally able to be expressed after all those years of longing. As their love blossoms, they begin to share special moments that we know will eventually come to an end...because a future together is impossible.

The book is told from alternating viewpoints, and being able to see through both Sam and Grace's eyes, made me feel a connection with both from the start. Not too many author's that I have read can write from several viewpoints as smoothly as Stiefvater, and I loved that she was able to bring the reader into the story by sharing what both Sam and Grace saw. We were able to share what they both felt and it was really nice to understand both their thoughts, not just have to guess what was going on inside their head.

Grace is an instant favorite, a little different from most girls and not trying to be someone she isn't. A little obsessed with the wolves, she spends her days dreaming of winter and spending time with her friends. She is a very unique protagonist, not worrying about others, depending on herself to get things done, yet caring for those around her...I really liked her. Sam was a sweetheart and I totally fell in love with him (don't tell my boyfriend :]) I am a sucker for musicians and Sam made my heart melt with his songs, love of books (!!) and poetry readings. Together, Grace and Sam made a wonderful combination and I wanted everything to work for them.

The other characters in the book were essential to keep the story moving, and I really connected to each of them. I was happy that there was so many characters and I was able to keep track of who everyone was because they were all unique and played a significant role. Grace relationships with friends and family seemed a bit aloof and would have bothered me, except it made her closeness to Sam all that more real and easier to understand, which definitely made their romance all the better.

I really enjoyed the differences from the wolves Stiefvater created to the other ones that I have read about before. Instead of changing during the full moon, they transformed when the temperature became too cold, and then return to their human form during the summer. I found this both unique and interesting, and it was one of my favorite things about the whole book. I was captivated by the descriptions of the scenery and the wolves and I was able to really appreciate Stiefvater writing.

There are many difficulties that both Sam and Grace face during the book, and I couldn't help but want them to end up happy. There's a bit of mystery to what will happen, many sweet moments that'll make you smile, heartbreaking moments that might bring tears and many an ending that will leave you pretty shocked. I cannot wait to read her other books, including Linger and Forever, which I have heard many positive things about. I definitely recommend this to those that love young adult romance, paranormal, mystery and/or werewolves.

Favorite Quote: "Is this fragile love a way to say goodbye?"

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