Feb 1, 2012

Random Reads: The King's Rose by Alisa M. Libby

"Basically it’s a meme where we pick a random book from our shelf to read. I’m on Goodreads so I’m using a combination of the sorting feature and Random.org to pick the book I’m going to read."
Since this meme was mentioned in the first post, I was looking forward to it. I think it's a great and fun new way to pick at least one of the books on my TBR list each month. I am always adding more books, but the list never seems to decrease. So I decided to give this a go! Like Sarah, I also used Goodreads and Random.org to pick my new read. Here's what I got:

Another book I own! I've had The King's Rose for years now. I remember really looking forward to reading this and when I finally bought it I put it on my shelf and it's been sitting there since. I am really glad I got another book that I own for this month's Random Reads. Last month's Random Reads was also a book I own and I am almost done with it. I am really excited to read this one because it is YA and Historical Fiction, two of my favorite genre's. Want to join in? Check out this month's Random Reads post.


  1. Yay us, reading these books that have been on our shelves for years! :)

    (New follower here!)

  2. This one sounds cool. I'm a fan of YA (and adult) historicals too. I haven't gotten too much into them yet, but I like most of the ones I've read so far. :)

    ♥ Sarah @ I'm Loving Books

  3. You have a bunch of books on your TBR list too! I'm not too crazy about historicals, can't wait to see if you like this one!


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