Dec 29, 2020

Life lately.
Hi, it’s been a while. I basically went back to work and really didn’t have time for much else for a while because it took me a while to transition back into working and regular schedules and dealing with pandemic life outside of my home. It’s been stressful, but also, I’ve been healthy and safe. There was a while there were I got a cold and freaked out, but I was fine. Now the holidays have passed and we’re on the verge of a new year, so I decided it was time for an update to the blog. 

I’ve been reading. Not very much, but about as much as I expected I would be reading now that I’m back at work full time. I’ve enjoyed quite a few books, but noticed lately that I’ve gotten so much pickier with my reading. I’ve never been one to rate a good amount of books 5-stars, but this last year, I’ve definitely been more critical with the books I read. Also, I’ve done a lot of purging of books because I realized that there’s no point in having books collect dust if I’m never going to read them. I’ve had books sitting on my shelves for years and now it’s time to get them out into the world for others to enjoy. It could be in part with my decision to live a more minimal lifestyle, but that’s a topic for another day. What else is new? I’m engaged and back to being quarantined for two weeks. I know, both great news and not so much.
We got engaged back in September and I’ve been overwhelmed with planning, but also doing pretty great with getting important things done and out of the way. Most of the stuff I have to do from now until our wedding is mostly DIY things that my mom, fiancé, and friends will help me with.

As for being of my coworkers was exposed. Actually, a few of them were. We were not sure if we would shut down but because of the circumstances, we had to. Being so close to the holidays definitely made the decision more stressful and now we’re waiting for testing results, etc., but we’ve had several positive confirmed cases which just makes it more stressful for everyone. 

But the silver lining is, I have some time to blog. It’s always something that helps me get through some tough times and just another hobby I go back and forth with. So for now, I’m back. Expect some content until I fall off the blogoverse again. 

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