Sep 2, 2009

Quick Reviews #4

Jessica Z by Shawn Klomparens
When Jessica Zorich met a tall, charismatic artist at a San Francisco party, her life had been all about coping: with a baffling and dangerous world, with a mostly inane job, and with a sweet but meandering relationship with her upstairs neighbor. But Josh Hadden doesn't cope: he's a man of action, of big visions, and of relationships that span the globe; a man certain of his passions, politics, art, and desire. And what Josh desires most is Jessica..
Thoughts: I'd heard good things about this book, so when I saw it I picked it up, but was not at all what I expected. I was surprised it wasn't chick-lit or a romance story, but much more than that. More mature in a way, with no happily-ever-after, and a terrorist thread that ran through the whole novel and made it even more thought provoking. The story seemed a little vague and in the end you are left feeling like you never really knew the characters, and that didn't satisfy me. It was a good plot, but as it developed it could've been better I think.

30 Days of Night, Volume 1 by Steve Niles
In a sleepy, secluded Alaska town called Barrow, the sun sets and doesn't rise for over thirty consecutive days and nights. From the darkness, across the frozen wasteland, an evil will come that will bring the residents of Barrow to their knees. The only hope for the town is the Sheriff and Deputy, husband and wife who are torn between their own survival and saving the town they love.
Thoughts: I almost wish this wasn't a graphic novel because it's a great storyline for a long, interesting and scary book about vampires. The idea I think is very unique, although there are a lot of vampire books out there now. I loved the setting, which I think is what made it more particular and story builds up well, even though it is written in such limited space. The art was great, the images blurry causing a snow storm looking kind of effect, and the blood and gore was done well enough to look pretty scary. If you've seen the movie, this is very similar except for a few changes, and you'll enjoy slightly more.

Reading Club, Volume 1 by Cho Ju-Hee
Fear and insanity take hold in Korea's first horror comic for girls! After getting stuck with the job of cleaning her high school's long-forgotten library, a 9th grade girl stumbles across a suspicious looking book. Simply opening the book causes her to see unspeakable horrors - does she dare read it? If she does, she could find something more terrifying than she ever imagined...
Thoughts: Mostly, I think this is blah. I think the idea is good, but it seems written very quickly, like forced together in a way. Some parts don't seem to make much sense to me, and the characters aren't interesting enough for me to care much about them or what happens next. I'm pretty sure I won't be reading the next one.

So two out of three isn't bad.
Hope everyone is enjoying their books.
Happy reading :)

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