Sep 1, 2009

Quick Reviews #3

Ever since she was eight years old, high school student Janie Hannagan has been uncontrollably drawn into other people's dreams, but it is not until she befriends an elderly nursing home patient and becomes involved with an enigmatic fellow-student that she discovers her true power.

Thoughts: As soon as I stared reading this book, I couldn't put it down. The storyline, I thought was great and very unique. I also really liked the way the book is written, in short sentences and sometimes fragments, made it interesting. It was a great story, and I can't wait to pick up the next book, Fade, which continues Janie's story.

At the age of ten, Miranda Cheever showed no signs of Great Beauty. And even at ten, Miranda learned to accept the expectations society held for her—until the afternoon when Nigel Bevelstoke, the handsome and dashing Viscount Turner, solemnly kissed her hand and promised her that one day she would grow into herself, that one day she would be as beautiful as she already was smart. And even at ten, Miranda knew she would love him forever.
Thoughts: I've read many of Julia Quinn's books, and even though most of her books develop the same way and seem very similar, I was still able to enjoy this one very much. Although it started out a little like the rest, this one contained different problems for the characters and I wasn't too sure what to expect next, even though I was pretty sure there would be a happy ending. I can't wait to read her most recent book, which is based on one of the smaller characters from this one.

Halley and Scarlett have been best friends for years, sharing secrets, clothes, and crushes. People know Scarlett as the popular, flamboyant one; Halley is just her quiet sidekick. Then, at the beginning of their junior year, the balance shifts. First, Scarlett's boyfriend Michael is killed in a motorcycle accident; soon afterward, she learns that she is carrying his baby. For the first time, Scarlett really needs Halley.
Thoughts: My first Dessen book, and I was not disappointed at all. Very familiar to what it was like growing up for me and for friends, problems with family and being close to people your own age, I was able to relate to the book and to the characters. Although I was never faced with the same situations, the author's voice and writing make it very easy to visualize and understand what both girls where going thorugh. I loved her writing style and I hope it remains the same throughout all her books, which I plan on reading soon!

That's it for now, happy reading everyone :)


  1. I'm so glad you liked Wake! This book is one of those internet life meets real life for me. Lisa was on an internet site that I used to go to all the time for a reality show. It was one where you felt like you really knew the people posting. It's great seeing people enjoy her books. :)

  2. Hmm. Dessen. Interesting. I've been wanting to read her books now, but I haven't had the time :\


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