Oct 16, 2011

Author Event | Lauren Oliver Reading & Signing

About a week and a half ago I got to meet Lauren Oliver! It was the release day of Liesl & Po and I was super excited to meet her and buy her new book. I got there a little early, so I got some coffee and a copy of the book before heading to the reading and signing.

It turns out that about half the audience was her family, so Lauren seemed really comfortable telling us about the new book. She was really funny, pretty goofy and super nice! She explained the process of getting Liesl & Po illustrated, and even showed us her own drawings of how the illustrations started off. She then read a few pages of the book before signing.

I took my copy of Delirium (of course!) to get it signed also and was really nervous about actually talking to her. Fortunately, she was very talkative and made me laugh, which instantly made me feel at ease. She's totally one of my favorite authors, so I felt really fortunate to meet her and had an awesome time.


  1. Awww, that's amazing! I really loved Delirium and I'm excited to read more of her books! She seems really awesome! What a wonderful experience! :)

    Liza @ Book Crook Liza

  2. Omg, it sounds so amazing!!! I saw Lauren in Frankfurt on Saturday, but unfortunately she had to leave early and I couldn't chat with her:( Still she seemed like such a nice person, lovely!


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