Jul 5, 2017

Life Update | Wrap Up of Sorts + Currently Reading

Life Update:  

It's been a long time since I've tried to keep this blog consistently active. It was difficult because of school + work, lack of reading or motivation to read, creating a YouTube channel and keeping that updates, and other life stuff. But regardless of all the changes in my life, and my transition to a more popular way of talking about books on social media, my blog will always be my favorite form of expressing myself when it comes to books.

Earlier this year, I made an attempt to post more often by cleaning up and transitioning my blog back to Blogger. I am still trying to clean it up, but I have a lot of posts to go through and it's just a work in progress. Then, I tried writing up reviews and I realized I haven't reviewed any of the books I've read in the past year. So that left me feeling a little unmotivated. When I finally graduated college, I expected to have a little more time on my hands while I transitioned jobs, but I had some family stuff which sort of put everything on hold for a couple weeks. Then I had about a week of self-care and relaxation before a mini-vacation and then getting my butt back into gear.

And now here I am.

With all that, I've thought about what to do with this blog, and how to get back into the whole blogging thing. I decided that I want to start off with a quick wrap up of what's been going on, what I've been reading (it hasn't been much) and where I plan to pick up and move forward with. I've noticed that checking out other blogs and seeing how consistently they post, or what they post, encourages me to get really back into this.


Like I said, I haven't been reading much but every little bit counts so here's what my year to date looks like

  • Books Read: 12
  • Books DNF'd: ≈ 6
  • Favorite Book (so far): The Dream Thieves (The Raven Cycle, #2) by Maggie Stiefvater
  • Books Reviewed: 0
There hasn't been much of anything, but on my YT channel I have uploaded 23 videos so there is that. But again, I feel the need to update my blog and keep it active. Let's see how well I can do this time. 

Currently Reading: 

I'm currently reading a few books and I also have a summer TBR that I want to follow in hopes that I will read more this summer. I've been attempting to finish the first book in the A Song of Ice and Fire series since I am obsessed with Game of Thrones but that hasn't been going great. I started A Darker Shade of Magic but that's also something I might have to put on hold right now. I decided to re-read and continue the Boys Over Flowers manga because I really did enjoy it when I was reading it a few years back. I've read one book of my summer TBR so far, and might start another one soon but that's all I am currently reading.


I haven't made time to blog to be honest and I really want to. I have started by catching up on reviews and since I read pretty slow, I am sure I can be up to date really soon if I actually try. Which I am, since that's the whole point of this post. I want to write all the reviews on the books I've read so far, post a monthly wrap up towards the end of the month, and also update the look of my blog. Definitely plenty to work on and I do have time to right now, I just normally don't. I also want to read more, of course, because I haven't read much and I miss it. That is all. 


  1. Congratulations on graduating college! What is your YouTube channel name? I haven't been watching much booktube but I would love to see your channel.

    1. Thank you! It's http://youtube.com/oodlesofbooks but I have it linked on my social media icons as well :)


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