One Line Summary: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland tells of a young girl named Alice falling through a rabbit hole into a subterranean fantasy world populated by peculiar anthropomorphic creatures.
Thoughts: I’m a fan of Disney’s Alice in Wonderland, but I’d never read the story. I expected it to be about as silly and weird as the movie, and it was! Maybe even a little more than the movie, since there were several characters and songs that were not included in the animated movie (although the movie does include a few things that weren’t part of this specific first story.)
Alice’s story of falling down the rabbit hole is pretty outrageous and I enjoyed getting more inner monologue from her than what we get in the animated movie. We’re able to see more of what she thinks/feels as she ponders her way through Wonderland.
It was such a quick read, I’m glad I finally gave it a chance. I’m looking forward to continuing with the other short stories there are of Alice!
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